40 Days of Fire Passport

January 1 - February 9, 2024


The 40 Days of Fire endeavor is a self-propelled choice to seek the face of God and a time to allow God to use us. God often used 40 days in scripture to prepare someone for His purpose. As you will see in this Passport, these 40 days encompass the sacrificial disciplines of prayer, fasting, evangelism, and the Word. The pin-point focus of participating is that our soul would be set on FIRE causing us to reach out to a lost and dying world. Every person at Calvary, no matter the age, is encouraged to obey the voice of God, unify with God's family, and deny ourselves.

  • Bible REading

    What if you spent the next 28 days walking alongside first century men and women, inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do supernatural Acts, listening to their life-changing prayers and messages, watching startling miracles unfold, and falling more in love with Jesus Christ with each turning page? What if you then spent the next 12 days being a part of the first century church of Rome, opening mail written to stabilize and guide saints through a world of aimlessness and destabilization?

    Starting with Monday, January 1, you can do just what was listed above! There is a checklist of Bible reading passages listed on the at the bottom of this page.

    Make the commitment today to stay plugged into His Word during these 40 days. You will never regret the infusion of God's Word into your life. You can even make it a family event to allow your children to hear the Word being proclaimed in your home.

  • Prayer

    May each of us be challenged to form positive and lasting prayer habits for these 40 days. We encourage participation in the following endeavors:

    Prayer Meetings in the Youth Center

    • Ladies — Mondays 7:30-8:30pm
    • Men — Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm

    24-Hour Prayer Chains

    • Scheduled volunteers for 1-hour slots, around the clock, from Friday at 6pm until Saturday at 6pm
    • Sign up online and pray your weekly slot wherever you are.

    Prayer Needs

    • A list of needs is inserted in this Passport as a suggested guide to our local needs and each person can add their own list of prayer needs.

    Seven Items of Faith

    • Each person is encouraged to list 7 things that you are believing God to do in your life during the 40 Days of Fire. 

  • Fasting

    Each person is encouraged to humble themselves through the discipline of fasting by participating in four weeks of focused denial of the flesh. It is not supposed to be comfortable, and this is why it works. It makes an impact on our lives, freeing our time and mental energy to spend time with God. It is not to be trumpeted.

    Don't dwell on how you cannot do this, just quietly take control of your flesh and give it to God.

    MEANINGFUL fasting - January 8 thru January 12

    This time is set aside to fast something that is meaningful to you as an individual. It may be coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, a sport, a hobby, the phone, or even fasting a specific Media item. You should set aside something that is going to be the most meaningful to you. Ask yourself the question, "What is something I eat, drink, or do that will be most noticed when taken from ME?" This is what you should give up for this particular time.

    You could also do different items at different times during these days.

    MEDIA fasting - January 15 thru January 19

    No internet, video/computer games, video, television, radio, or texting unless it is a work-related requirement.

    This has been one of the greatest times of sacrifice for many in our past times of fasting. It frees us from much of this world's distractions! Some have said that they heard from God like never before when they turned the media off. Please listen to Him. Instead of complaining about being bored, let's use this time to talk to God or become His hands to someone in need.

    MEAL fasting - January 22 thru January 26

    Choose your meal fast based on the following:

    1. Medical condition - Some fasts are safe for individuals with medical conditions.
    2. Work responsibilities - If an individual has a strenuous job, it is recommended that they choose a fast that will allow them to continue working without putting themselves and others in danger.

    Types of Meal Fasts:

    •    Fasting 6am-6pm daily.
    •    Fast one meal a day for the week.
    •    A 24-hour period or 2-3 days in succession.

    MEAT fasting - January 29 thru February 2

    This week is set aside to fast meat. There are other sources of protein, but meat is generally a main staple of our daily diet. This will be a reminder that we must have the meat of God's Word to grow strong and healthy in our Christian walk. All other food items can be eaten, but you will find that doing without meat makes a marked difference in your meals. When you long for it, remind your body that God is in control of our life, and we must submit ourselves to Him.

  • ActION...

    Sacrificial Offering - Pledges for campus facility upgrades


    Drive-Thru Prayer & ShareJanuary 27, 2:30pm-4:30pm. Calvary Church parking lot

    Evangelist Flo Shaw - Sunday, February 4, 11am


1 Chronicles 4:9–10 (NKJV)

9 Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.”

10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

  • January 1  -  Acts 1
  • January 2  -  Acts 2
  • January 3  -  Acts 3
  • January 4  -  Acts 4
  • January 5  -   Acts 5
  • January 6  -  Acts 6
  • January 7  -  Acts 7
  • January 8  -  Acts 8
  • January 9  -  Acts 9
  • January 10  -  Acts 10
  • January 11  -  Acts 11
  • January 12  -  Acts 12
  • January 13  -  Acts 13
  • January 14  -  Acts 14
  • January 15  -  Acts 15
  • January 16  -  Acts 16
  • January 17  -  Acts 17
  • January 18  -  Acts 18
  • January 19  -  Acts 19
  • January 20  -  Acts 20
  • January 21  -  Acts 21
  • January 22  -  Acts 22
  • January 23  -  Acts 23
  • January 24  -  Acts 24
  • January 25  -  Acts 25
  • January 26  -  Acts 26
  • January 27  -  Acts 27
  • January 28  -  Acts 28
  • January 29  -  Romans 1
  • January 30  -  Romans 2
  • January 31  -  Romans 3
  • February 1  -  Romans 4
  • February 2  -  Romans 5
  • February 3  -  Romans 6
  • February 4  -  Romans 7
  • February 5  -  Romans 8
  • February 6  -  Romans 9
  • February 7  -  Romans 10
  • February 8  -  Romans 11
  • February 9  -  Romans 12