See below for Pastor’s message!

Praise The Lord, Dear Calvary Saints and Prayer Shareholders!

2024 is the Year of Expansion!

We are sharing with you some urgent information on the status of purchasing our worship center's adjacent Skyline Fire Department. 

You have faithfully prayed together for years for this property to become available for our church to own and that day is here. Even if you're newer to Calvary, you may have heard this in prayer requests or individual discussions.

Who would have ever thought that this vital piece of land surrounded by our property would become so desirable that the price and demands may be beyond our reach!? We are under contract but the sellers are making some very high demands. They are requiring a quick cash sale in less than two weeks with closing on April 30th. Our bank needs a minimum of 4-6 weeks to process a loan. We are exploring every option available but wanted to be sure EVERYONE knows the need and has the opportunity to help make a difference.

Our reality: To come up with $395,000 in 12 days is beyond the scope of the bank loan process.
God's reality: We are a congregation that has not had to pay a mortgage payment in at least a generation, thanks to God's hand of blessing!

Please consider making a sacrificial contribution as soon as you can. I'm not asking for everyone to give EQUALLY but for everyone to give SACRIFICIALLY. (I'm praising God for the anonymous gift of $5,000 paying the earnest money!) 

Here are two ways you can contribute:

1) Pray more than ever for God’s will and favor.

2) Give to this fund now:

Above is a map with sketched property boundaries showing the lot that comes with the fire station. It shows how very important this land acquisition is to our church for parking, access, additional space, etc.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!

Your shepherd under the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ,

Pastor Don Haymon II

(In case you missed it, you can watch the announcement video below)